EKSKLUZIVNI INTERVJU: Mark Kolin (Nouvelle Vague): Ne smijete izgubiti kreativnost, iznenadite publiku Francuski bend Nouvelle Vague pridružuje se sjajnom spisku izvođača na festivalu Rubix 2024. Bend slavi 20 godina od izlaska njihovog prvog albuma, zajedno s izlaskom njihovog novog albuma "Should I Stay or Should I Go". Tim povodom o novim spotovima, nastupu na Rubixu, Crnoj Gori, razgovarali smo sa Markom Kolinom, producentom i osnivačem benda.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague): Don‘t lose creativity, surprise the audience Frech band Nouvelle Vague joins great line up at Rubix festival 2024. Band celebrates 20 years since the release of their seminal first album alongside the launch of their new album "Should I Stay or Should I Go". Therefore we talked with Marc Collin, producer and founder of the Nouvelle Vague.